node (JavaScript 1.0)

Node in an HTML document tree.

Properties & Events

attributesAttributes for an element node.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 7.0
childnodesChild nodes of the current node.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 7.0
firstchildFirst child node of the current node.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 7.0
lastchildLast child node of the current node.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 7.0
localnameLocal part of an element or attribute name if it the node was defined with an XML Namespace.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 7.0
namespaceuriURI of the namespace for an element or attribute node if the node was defined with an XML Namespace.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 7.0
nextsiblingSibling node immediately after the current node.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 7.0
nodenameName of the node. Same as tag name for element nodes.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 7.0
nodetypeType of node. See Remarks for valid values.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 5.5opera 7.0
nodevalueValue of the current node.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 7.0
ownerdocumentDocument object that contains this node.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 6.0opera 7.0
parentnodeParent node of the current node.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 7.0
prefixNamespace prefix for an element or attribute node if the node was defined with an XML Namespace.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 7.0
previoussiblingSibling node immediately before the current node.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 7.0

Result from the Online TryIt-Editor
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 3.0opera 4.0

Examples having uses of: 'node'