select (JavaScript 1.0)

A graphical Select list on an HTML form.

Properties & Events

lengthNumber of elements in the options array.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 3.0opera 7.0
optionsArray of the options available from the Select list.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 3.0opera 7.0
selectedindexIndex in the options array for the selected option.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 3.0opera 7.0
typeType of object represented by the Select list and whether or not multiple selections are allowed.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 7.0
onchangeEvent handler for when a user changes the value of the Select list.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 3.0opera 7.0

Result from the Online TryIt-Editor
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 5.0

Examples having uses of: 'select'

1 votes

HTML5 Drag and Drop

Now HTML 5 came up with a Drag and Drop (DnD) API that brings native DnD support to the browser making it much easier to code up. HTML 5 DnD is supported by all the major browsers like Chrome, Firefox 3.5 and Safari.
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JavaScript onselect Event

Triggers whenever you Select/Highlight some text within textbox or textarea.
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jQuery - Multiple CSS properties

jQuery allows to change the multiple CSS properties value at once.
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Html Input Form

Example form using <legend> and <fieldset> to make the form layout fancy.
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jQuery Focus & Change Event

jQuery events can be used to register behaviors to take effect when the user interacts with the browser, and to further manipulate those registered behaviors.
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HTML Select

This HTML element defines a selection list within a form.