To HTML Content Category Flow

ins (Flow)

<ins> html element. Specifies that the enclosed text has been inserted into the document. This element exists in following categories: flow and allows child elements from interactive, embedded, heading, sectioning, phrasing, and metadata content categories.

Advanced example

Click the html element name in the punctuation list to advance the example in 'Tryit-Editor':
<a><audio>, <button>, <details>, <embed>, <iframe>, <input>, <keygen>, <label>, <menu>, <object>, <select>, <textarea>, <video>, <canvas>, <img>, <math>, <svg>, <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>, <hgroup>, <article>, <aside>, <nav>, <section>, <abbr>, <b>, <bdo>, <br>, <cite>, <code>, <command>, <dataList>, <dfn>, <em>, <i>, <kbd>, <mark>, <meter>, <noscript>, <output>, <progress>, <q>, <ruby>, <samp>, <script>, <small>, <span>, <strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <time>, <var>, <wbr>, <base>, <link>, <meta>, <style>, <title>

HTML element example

Result from the Online TryIt-Editor
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