area (HTML5)

Used for image maps to define a clickable area on an image.

Properties & Events

altSpecifies alternative text to display if the element cannot be displayed as expected.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
classCSS class assigned to the element.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 1.0opera 1.0
coordsComma-delimited x, y coordinates for the element.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 7.0
dirDirection of the element text.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
hrefPath or URL for the linked document or object.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
hreflangIndicates the language of the linked resource.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 4.0
idUnique identifier for the element.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 1.0opera 1.0
langLanguage code for the content of the element.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
mediaA hint of the media for which the linked resource was designed, for example print and screen.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 4.0
nameDefine a names for the clickable area so that it can be scripted by older browsers.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 4.0
nohrefIf present, specifies that the element has no href.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 4.0
relFor anchors containing the href attribute, this attribute specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 4.0
shapeFor an anchor that defines a hyperlink, shape of the selectable hypertext region.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
styleInline style for the element.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 1.0opera 1.0
tabindexPosition of the element in the tabbing order for the document.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
targetTarget window to use for opening the linked document.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
titleShort text description for the element.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 1.0opera 1.0
typeThis attribute specifies the media type in the form of a MIME type for the link target.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 4.0
onblurFires when the element loses focus.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
onclickFires when the element is clicked.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
ondblclickFires when the element is double-clicked.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
onfocusFires when the element receives focus.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
onkeydownFires when a user presses down on a key while the element has focus.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
onkeypressFires when a user presses a key or holds down the key while the element has focus.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
onkeyupFires when a user releases a key while the element has focus.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
onmousedownFires when a user clicks down on the mouse button while the element has focus.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
onmousemoveFires when the mouse moves while the pointer over the element.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
onmouseoutFires when the mouse pointer moves off of the element.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
onmouseoverFires when the mouse pointer moves over the element.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0
onmouseupFires when the user releases the mouse button while the element has focus.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 2.0opera 4.0

Examples having uses of: 'area'

0 votes

JavaScript onselect Event

Triggers whenever you Select/Highlight some text within textbox or textarea.
2 votes

Html Textbox

The contents are interpreted as text only; HTML markup is ignored. The user can type (theoretically) unlimited amounts of text into the textarea field. In reality the browser sets the limit.