navigator (JavaScript 1.0)

Contains information about the current web browser.

Properties & Events

appcodenameCode name of the browser.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 3.0opera 7.0
appnameName of the browser.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 3.0opera 7.0
appversionPlatform and version of the web browser.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 3.0opera 7.0
cookieenabledWhether or not the browser has cookies enabled.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 7.0
languageDefault language of the web browser.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie ??opera 7.0
mimetypesArray of MIME type objects supported by the web browser.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie ??opera 7.0
platformClient OS.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 4.0opera 7.0
pluginsArray of plugins installed in the browser.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie ??opera 7.0
useragentSpecifies the value the browser uses for the user-agent header in http requests.
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 3.0opera 7.0

Result from the Online TryIt-Editor
chrome 1.0safari 1.0Firefox 1.0ie 3.0opera 4.0

Examples having uses of: 'navigator'

0 votes

JavaScript Browser Detection

The Navigator object contains information about the visitor's browser.
4 votes

HTML5 geoLocation

The HTML5 Geolocation API is used to get the geographical position of a user. NOTE: Since this can compromise user privacy, the position is not available unless the user approves it.