Tag | Description | JavaScript examples | Status |
anchor | A target for a hyperlink. | | JavaScript 1.2 |
applet | Java applet included in a web page. | | JavaScript 1.1 |
area | Defines an area of an image as an image map. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
arguments | An array of parameters passed to a function. | | JavaScript 1.1 |
array | An array is an ordered list of elements. | | JavaScript 1.1 |
boolean |
The Boolean object is an object wrapper
for a boolean value.
| | JavaScript 1.1 |
button | A graphical button that can be "pressed" by a user. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
checkbox | A box that the user can check. For groups of checkboxes, users may select multiple checkboxes. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
date | Lets you work with dates and times. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
document | Represents an HTML or XML document. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
documenttraversal | Allows you to create iterators and tree-walkers to traverse the nodes of a Document. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
domexception | Interface defining error codes for DOM-related processing exceptions. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
element | Represents an element in an HTML or XML document. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
enumerator | Enumerator is a proprietary Microsoft object that iterates over items in a group. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
error | Represents a runtime error. | | JavaScript 1.5 |
evalerror | The EvalError is thrown when the eval method is used incorrectly. | | JavaScript 1.5 |
event | Provides information about an event. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
fileupload | Element on an HTML form for a user to upload a file. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
form | An HTML form that collects user input. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
frame | A frame within a frameset in a web browser window. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
function |
Every function in JavaScript is actually a Function object.
| | JavaScript 1.0 |
global | The Global object is the parent of all globally avaliable properties and methods. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
hidden | An input element on a form that is hidden from a user. Similar to a Text element, except that it is not visible. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
history | Array of all of the URLs that a user has visited with the current browser window. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
htmlelement | HTMLElement is the parent class of all HTML elements. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
image | An image in an HTML document. | | JavaScript 1.1 |
input | Input element on an HTML form. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
javaclass | JavaScript representation of a Java class. | | JavaScript 1.1 |
javaobject | JavaScript representation of a Java object. | | JavaScript 1.1 |
javapackage | JavaScript representation of a Java package. | | JavaScript 1.1 |
javaarray | A Java array that is wrapped in JavaScript and can be accessed by JavaScript code. | | JavaScript 1.1 |
jsobject | Java representation of a JavaScript object. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
layer | Layer in an HTML document. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
link | A hypertext link. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
location | URL of the window. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
math |
A built-in object that has properties and methods for
mathematical constants and functions. For example, the
Math object's PI property has the value of pi.
| | JavaScript 1.0 |
mimetype | Representation of a MIME (Multipart Internet Mail Extension) data type. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
navigator | Contains information about the current web browser. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
node | Node in an HTML document tree. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
number |
Lets you work with numeric values. The
Number object is an object wrapper for
primitive numeric values.
| | JavaScript 1.1 |
object | Object is the primitive JavaScript object type. All JavaScript objects are descended from Object. That is, all JavaScript objects have the methods defined for Object. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
option | Option in a Select list. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
password | Text field on a form where the input is masked by asterisks (*). | | JavaScript 1.0 |
plugin | Plugin installed in the web browser. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
radio | Graphical radio button in a group of radio buttons. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
rangeerror | Thrown when a number is out of its appropriate range. | | JavaScript 1.5 |
referenceerror | Thrown if reading a variable that does not exist. | | JavaScript 1.5 |
regexp | Pattern for a regular expression. | | JavaScript 1.2 |
reset | Reset button on an HTML form that resets all form elements to their default values. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
screen | Provides information about the display screen and colors. | | JavaScript 1.2 |
select | A graphical Select list on an HTML form. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
string | Represents the characters of a string. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
style | Specifies style characteristics of HTML elements. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
submit | A graphical button that submits the data of an HTML form when clicked. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
syntaxerror | A SyntaxError is thrown if there is a syntax error in the JavaScript code. | | JavaScript 1.5 |
text | Represents a text node in a document. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
textarea | Multi-line text input field on a form. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
typeerror | A TypeError is thrown when a value is a different type than what was expected. | | JavaScript 1.5 |
urierror | A URIError is thrown when there is an exception with URI encoding or decoding. | | JavaScript 1.5 |
url | URL of the window. | | JavaScript 1.0 |
window | The Window object represents the web browser window. It provides access to objects to use to manipulate the browsing environment and properties for accessing the object model below it. | | JavaScript 1.0 |